Our Values


The first year of college, especially on a big campus like UK, can seem a little scary for incoming freshman. Our Panhellenic community works hard to provide resources and support to help make the transition to college as stress-free as possible. Our community has fostered thousands of lifelong friendships and mentorship, philanthropy, and leadership opportunities that make campus feel a little smaller and the next four years feel like home.


The first experience potential new members (PNMs) will have with Panhellenic mentorship is through a “Recruitment Counselor”. Recruitment counselors are chosen from every chapter on campus, and they guide PNMs through each step of the recruitment process. After recruitment is finished and PNMs have become an official member of the Panhellenic community, chapters pair their new members with an older sorority woman that will help guide and aide their experience.


One of the many ways we build and empower strong women is through the abundance of leadership opportunities available within our community. There are so many opportunities to lead within all chapters, committees, and the Panhellenic executive board.


We place a great importance on the health and wellbeing of every member in our community and work hard to ensure that each member is provided with education on risk management, mental health, alcohol safety, and wellness. Members receive training multiple times throughout their sorority experience on alcohol safety and how to stay safe in various situations and environments. Each chapter has a risk management team that serves to hold members accountable for their actions and works to promote a safer and smarter college environment. Another thing that we place a large importance on is the mental health and well-being of our members. We share resources on campus related to mental health and wellness, check in on members, and hold wellness programs such as yoga sessions, movie nights, encouraging events around midterms and finals, and more that serve to provide members with fun activities in a stress-free environment.


Although college is a time where one can make friendships and memories that last a lifetime, we are ultimately here to receive an education. We do not take this opportunity lightly and make efforts to ensure that our members are staying focused. Some of our chapters have a mandatory GPA requirement and many require “study hours” as well which are utilized to help hold members accountable and make sure that they are upholding their academic requirements and chapter values.


For many incoming freshman, this will be the first time they are managing their finances on their own. Our chapters work closely with all members to help them find the best payment methods for membership dues. Prior to primary recruitment, we provide full financial disclosure to all PNMs which gives an overview of chapter dues for each organization. Once members join a chapter, the academic chairs will help find the best payment option for that member, and our chapters provide monthly, semesterly, and yearly payment plans; the PNMs Recruitment Counselor can also help them decide what the best course of action is!