frequently asked questions

Fall 2025 Panhellenic Primary Recruitment dates can be found on the Primary Recruitment page of our website.
what is a pnm?
PNM stands for potential new member. This is any person who is going through the recruitment process to join a Panhellenic chapter.
A legacy is a potential new member who is the daughter or sister of an initiated sorority member. Some organizations also include grandchildren, step-children, nieces or other family members when considering a potential new member to be a legacy.
When completing the primary recruitment registration forms, PNMs have the option of indicating if any family members were involved with a sorority or fraternity. Family members who are alumnae sorority members also have the option of writing letters of introduction for legacy PNMs through national organization websites or by mail if that chapter has indicated that they accept mail-in submissions below.
A letter of recommendation is an official form provided by an individual sorority’s national organization that is filled out by someone who is an alumna of a Panhellenic sorority and no longer attending college but wishes to write a PNM a recommendation for their chapter. A Recommendation/Reference (also called a REC or RIF) serves as an OPTIONAL introduction to the sorority, so their members can get to know a PNM before primary recruitment in the fall.
If you’d like more specific information on letters of recommendation, visit this page.
I'm a legacy. Does this mean i will receive a bid from my legacy chapter?
Each PNM is considered on an individual basis. A legacy is no more obligated to join a particular chapter than the chapter is obligated to offer her a bid. The PNM and the chapter should be looking for compatibility—not necessarily a family connection to the chapter. Panhellenic has no policies regarding legacies because each chapter has its own policy, and Panhellenic has no input in individual chapter membership decisions. Because we have so many young women go through recruitment, it is not guaranteed that every legacy will join her legacy chapter.
However, we do want to make sure that your legacy chapter knows that you are coming through recruitment! Make sure that on your registration form, you indicate if you have any connections to the chapters on our campus. You should also have your mom, grandmother, or sister fill out the legacy form for her specific chapter. The form should be available on the chapter's national websites.
If I participate in recruitment, am I obligated to join a chapter?
No, many women choose to go through recruitment to meet people and make new friends. Recruitment is an opportunity for you to visit the chapters, get a glimpse of Sorority life, and assess whether or not you would like to be a part of the UK FSL community.
What does it mean when someone is released from recruitment?
Although it is a very rare situation, it it possible to be released from recruitment. "Released from Recruitment” means a PNM has not been asked to return to any of the chapters for the next round of the process. A Recruitment Counselor will notify the released woman as soon as possible and will meet one-on-one to discuss her options moving forward.
Since women released from Recruitment are still extremely important to us, the Recruitment Counselor will remain in contact with her throughout the fall semester and beyond. In addition, all Recruitment Counselors will provide their group members with other campus activities, clubs, and future recruitment opportunities.
Is There a required GPA to Go through recruitment?
Although Panhellenic does not require a specific grade point average (GPA) to participate in Primary Recruitment or COB, each sorority has a minimum grade requirement to be eligible for membership. Every sorority strives to maintain a high chapter grade point average (GPA), therefore each must consider a woman’s ability to adhere to the chapter's scholastic standards.
are there options for someone who has been released?
There are still opportunities for women to join chapters after primary recruitment is over. Some chapters are eligible to participate in a process called Continuous Open Bidding (COB). Not all chapters are eligible for COB and it is never a guarantee.
If a chapter decided that they would like to accept more new members during COB, the COB events will be posted on the Panhellenic calendar as well as the chapter's social media platforms. These events are informal and can consist of activities such as grabbing a coffee or attending a sisterhood event at the chapter house. Panhellenic will also hold a COB event each semester where all participating chapters will be there to talk with PNMs.
Each chapter has different financial obligations. You can find the specific financial obligations for each chapter under their chapter tab on our website.
Many Panhellenic women pay for their own dues by working throughout the school year or having a summer job. To help with financial obligations, many organizations offer different payment options that may include payment plans and scholarships.
You can find the specific costs for each chapter in many different places. The first place to look is on each of the chapter pages. You will also be given the information with your mailed receipt after registering as well as in your Sorority Sorts booklet.
Panhellenic charges a registration fee to provide a values-based recruitment for PNMs. The fee for 2025 Primary Recruitment will be $150. This registration fees covers the cost of the following items:
•Education and training for PNMs, chapters, and Recruitment Counselors
•Social programming throughout recruitment
•Technology including registration, the Values Bracket program and PNM Companion Application
•Marketing and informational materials like the Panhellenic Recruitment Guide
•T-shirts for PNMs to wear during recruitment
what should i wear during recruitment?
There is no right or wrong outfit to wear during recruitment. You should wear whatever makes you feel confident, comfortable, and the most like you! However, as each round progresses and becomes more formal our outfit recommendations do too! If you check out our Pinterest page, you will see pictures of what people have worn in the past for each day. You can also find this information in the Sorority Recruitment Booklet that will be mailed to the address you provide during recruitment registration.
Open House Video: You should wear a neutral top!
Philanthropy: You will be provided with a t-shirt for each day of Philanthropy!
Casual shorts and comfortable shoes or sandals are recommended to wear with the provided t-shirts. Remember, you’ll be wearing this outfit all day and walking to multiple functions so make sure you’re comfortable!
Sisterhood: This round starts to get more formal but comfort is still important!
We recommend wearing nicer tops or maybe a casual dress. For shoes a nicer sandal, flat or wedge would be appropriate.
Preference: This is the most formal round of recruitment as the rounds will include Preference Ceremonies from each chapter.
This day you should wear banquet style outfits—think of something you would have worn at the end of your senior year to a scholarship banquet or awards ceremony. This day is also really long, so you will definitely want comfortable shoes again!
Bid Day: We recommend wearing comfortable shorts or skirts with comfy shoes. You will be running around and celebrating with your new sisters, so you want to be comfy!